"Its not about how many steps they take, for me, its about how many good decisions they make."
-Isaac Johnson


The "Camps"

We are excited to offer participation in Rockin X to all levels of aspiring horsemen and women.
These camps are set up to serve several purposes:
Provide a shorter term immersive learning environment for all levels of horsemen and women
Allows individuals that are interested in participate in the academy a chance to apply in person. Applicants that attend a camp will be given priority over those that apply online
Helps individuals progress with their horsemanship and apply it to any activity
Gives people a chance to focus on their own education and personal horses
Some of the benefits of using these camps as an individuals application into the academy include:
Find out if the academy is a good fit
Gain knowledge and skills during the application process
Helps Rockin X better evaluate each person to ensure greater success for the program, participants, and horses
If not accepted, individuals will understand what they can improve on to help them have better success in the future
There will be no colt starting in the camps for now
Each person will participate all day for three days at $800 per person.
9 AM - 12 PM
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Sign up Now!